• Financial Strength

  • Stocks in season & off season

  • Broker network

  • Professional manpower

  • Market information

Financial Strength

We at VAGHANI GROUP have a proud history of financial stability. The company is financially strong to procure quantities for order on hand without any credit from suppliers. We enjoy high credit rating with our bankers to avail all banking facilities.


Stock in season & off-season

We are carrying stocks of 2 months turnover throughout the year. In respect of seasonal products, stock level has to be sufficient to abide by our commitment to make supplies in off-season also.



We have a network of procurement agents who are feeding the information of price and quantities available in the respective markets. On the basis of price sensitivity analysis and stock movement study, we are procuring large quantities of quality products from different commodity markets spread all over the country.


Professional Manpower

The company management has rich experience for more than 25 years. They have opened new vistas in standardization, quality control and commitment of International Standards. Our experienced team has expertise to handle unforeseen contingencies. The network of procurement agents and feedback from market report in each region gives us the insight of trends and market behavior.


"An empowered organization is one in which individuals have the knowledge, skill, desire, and opportunity to personally succeed in a way that leads to collective organizational success."

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